Saturday, October 12, 2024

Durga Puja: The Pursuit of Justice

With autumn’s embrace, the City of Joy comes alive, 

With her vibrant colors and hopes that thrive. 

Ma Durga descends on a lion’s back, bold and strong; 

Her tales of strength and righteousness form her timeless song. 


As the dhak beats echo in a rhythm divine, 

The families gather in the pandals, their spirits entwined. 

In the puja pavilions, with laughter and cheer, 

We honor the sacred while our hearts draw near. 


Yet amidst all the joy and festivity, a dark shadow remains, 

For justice yearned, a united voice for those who were slain. 

RG Kar’s memory, a call to the brave, 

A beacon of sorrow, a plea we engrave. 


As we greet Subha Bijoya, a promise we must make:

To rise against silence and the oppression for the Fallen’s sake. 

With every Pushpanjali, let’s promise to stand side by side; 

United with all the protestors, we shall not let the system divide. 


O Ma Durga, Mahisasurmardini, fierce and bright, 

Please guide us in this battle, through day and night. 

May your blessings strengthen our spirits to soar,

In honor of those we have lost, let our hearts share more.


As the festival wanes, may our resolve remain, 

To fight for the voiceless and to cleanse the system’s stain. 

With love, support, and sheer courage, we’ll carry the light; 

For justice and peace for the common man, we’ll continue this fight.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The Technomancers

 In the digital frontier, where the pixels reign,

The Technomancers stand, with their arcane domain.

Amidst the humming servers and the blinking lights,

They wage a never-ending war against cyber blights.

At dawn's first glow, their vigil starts anew,

A symphony of errors leads to a helpdesk's cue.

"My data is gone!" a frantic voice does cry,

As the wizards step forward, with their inquisitive eyes.

Through labyrinths of code and tangled nets,

They hunt down the gremlins and the other digital threats.

With swift keystrokes and arcane incantations,

They exorcise the demons using their workstations.

As the clock ticks on and deadlines loom overhead,

They continue to toil, solely driven by determination In their head.

Meetings beckon, where technical jargons are slung,

But the Technomancers stand firm with their resolve unsung.

Amidst the chaos, finally, a victory is seized,

As the system is restored and a client is appeased.

A "Thank you" email is received and gratitude expressed,

Manages to fuel their quest onwards, as by duty-led.

So raise a toast, to these digital knights,

Whose prowess illuminates our cyber nights.

The Technomancers are, guardians of our age,

Turning the pages of technology's sage.

They fight the good fight, with laughter and cheer,

For the corporate world, to function throughout the year.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

The City Of Joy

In the alleys where history whispers, and Ganges whispers low,

Kolkata, a symphony of chaos, where stories ebb and flow.

Trams rumble, horns blare, a million dreams collide,

Spicy scents and incense trails, on every bustling tide.

Victoria’s ghost in fading grandeur, colonial echoes dim,

But poets’ verses come alive, with Tagore’s soulful hymn.

Sunlight paints the Hooghly gold, Howrah Bridge a stoic gaze,

While chai at dawn unfolds its warmth, in milky, sunlit haze.

Ma Durga’s eyes with passion gleam, during puja’s vibrant beat,

As laughter fills the Marwari gali, and sweets perfume the street.

From Kumartuli’s idol hearts, to artisans’ skilled hands,

Each weathered step unfolds a tale, across the shifting sands.

Kolkata, a paradox, where beauty meets decay,

But hope survives in every heart, and daw

ns a brand new day.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Ode To My Country

The love of paddy fields and mango groves,

Of lush green forests and mountains so high.

Of ancient temples and palaces,

Is running in my veins, I surmise.

Love for the Ganges and the Yamuna,

Of the Thar Desert and the Kerala backwaters.

I know deep down but cannot share,

My love is for all of it and more, today I must swear.


I love a land of incense and spices,

Of vibrant colors and cultures.

Of diverse people and traditions,

Of history and mythology.

I love her towering snowcapped mountains,

Her ancient cities so grand.

Her beauty and her mystery,

The sight of colorful saris and turbans.


A land of lush green forests,

Where monkeys swing from the trees;

Of mighty rivers that flow through,

The heart of my country.

A land of colorful festivals,

Where the people dance and sing,

The stories of the Gods and Goddesses,

And the sense of communion.


My emerald-hearted country,

Such a magical and mystical land.

Those who have not loved her,

Will never ever understand.

Though the earth holds many wonders,

Wherever I may die,

I know to what country

My homing thoughts will fly.


Today I may be far away,

My love for her is strong.

She will always be my home,

My heart, my soul, my song.

I will always be a proud Indian,

No matter where I might be.

My roots are still in India,

And my soul belongs to thee.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Ode To My Mother

A mother's love is like the ocean,

Deep and vast and ever-flowing.

It is a love that is unconditional,

A love that knows no bounds.

A mother's love is like the sun,

Warm and bright and ever shining.

It is a love that gives life,

A love that makes everything seem right.

A mother's love is like the stars,

Unseen but ever-present.

It is a love that is always there,

Even when you are far away.

My mother, you are the light of my life,

The sun, that warms me on the coldest of nights.

You are the strength that I draw on when I am weak,

The hope that sustains me when I am lost.

You are the love that I cherish above all else,

The one person in the world who I know will always be there for me.

You are my mother, my friend, my rock, my safe haven, The one I can always count on, no matter what.

My love for you is beyond words,

Dearest mother, you are the best.

You have always been there for me,

Through thick and thin, you have never ceased.

You have taught me so much in life,

And I am so grateful for all your sacrifices for me.

You have made me the person I am today,

And I  am so blessed to have you as my mom.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Child of Freedom

You may bind me with chains,

But my spirit will never be tamed.

You may tie me down,

But my soul will always soar.

You may silence my voice,

But my words will always be heard.

You may break my body,

But my spirit will always be unbroken.

You may crush my dreams,

But they will rise again like the sun.

I am the child of freedom,

And I will not be caged.

I am the wind of change,

And I will not be bound.

I am the eternal fire,

And I will not be extinguished.

I am the voice of the voiceless,

And I will not be silenced.

I am the hope of the hopeless,

And I will not be defeated.

I am the light in the darkness,

And I will not be extinguished.

I am freedom,

And I will never be forgotten.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Never Let It Go

Like the warm wind whispering through the trees,

your undaunting spirit lifts me,

teaching me valuable lessons.

I keep waiting patiently to grow in the light of your eyes,

seeking approval, 

knowing that there is a comfort in your silent embrace;

as I listen carefully to what it offers.

I often feel the joy in your laughter and your trusting eyes,

as I learn to devote myself, for no judgment is passed.

At times, when sadness fills my heart with disappointment,

and I seek protection from the un-withering storm;

it is only then that I realize the depth of our love, 

sewn together with an unbreakable thread.

I now understand, that the fabric only gets better with age.

That it should be handled with care,

and sometimes, just sometimes it has to rain.

I have finally discovered my own beauty,

through the lessons learned while discovering yours.

Just like a beautiful sky after the storm,

your undaunting courage to break free of the clouds

still amazes me.

As I close my eyes and feel the warmth of the sun.

It is such a precious gift that you have given,

appreciating its gentleness as I sigh with thankfulness,

recognizing my fortune.

An unwavering bond that knows only

love, that is unconditional.

Nurturing with grace and acceptance.

How lucky I am,

to share a piece of my life with the soul that so perfectly fits mine.

A puzzle with a lot of missing pieces,

is finally complete.

My blessings are abundant,

as I thank God for these warm whispering winds.

For they remind me every single day,

to celebrate the gift of our love, to hold it close,

and to never let it go.